Hello You,
How's your day so far?
I hope you spent today in a meaningful way.
If you didn't manage to, how about making tomorrow a splendid one?
Because the fact is, our time here is limited, and our days are slipping by.
So every single day that we spend in the mediocre is one that we miss in the extraordinary.
And extraordinary doesn’t mean that it has to be perfect or awesome because all life moments, however big or small, good or bad, deserve to be celebrated.
And that's what Ju.bilance is founded upon in Nov 2018.
The grass may seem greener on the other side, the sky bluer faraway.
But may we all choose to grow the grass green on our side, and realise that we are on cloud nine in one way or another.
I hope to honour every chapter that you and I write in our lifetime.
Every Ju.bilance piece that you own goes from my hands to you.
I hope you choose what speaks to your heart.
I hope it shares your joy and lends you some strength in your occasional stumbles.
With Love,